Life of a mommy

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Smell the Roses and the Poop," Posted by Janice, 3 May 06.
It was noon and Kennedy and I had to be across town in less than 30 minutes. Luckily Kennedy and I were ready to go. All I had to do was get her car seat base out of my husband’s truck. But unfortunately it was strapped in so tight that I could not get it out. I was so frustrated, because I knew now were for sure going to be late. I came into the house feeling defeated by car seat and the clock. So I looked down at Kennedy so I could share my disappointment and frustration. To my surprise, Kennedy gave me her mother the biggest smile. It seemed to make all the small things in life seem so silly, like being late with car seat not wanting to cooperate to my liking. Having children really puts things into perspective. Luckily my husband came home a few minutes later and got the base out for me. At this point Kennedy was out of her seat and I smelled something stinky. As looked at Kennedy, I noticed that not only did she have poop in diaper, but it was all over her back, legs, and clothing. I promptly went to work cleaning her up. Thankfully Ben came in to my rescue and finish cleaning her up and I was able to make to my meeting on time. I am so thankfully for my baby she helps me to slow down and realize who and what is really important in my life. Thanks baby Ken!


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